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Honey, I'm Home's Morning Mantra ~~ Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh NO, She's up!"

Monday, April 8, 2019

I Wonder ~~

We talk about the opioid addiction in this country and yes, painkillers are prescribed for every little thing and that's dead wrong (do not pardon the pun), but I can't help but wonder about another addiction and it's world-wide: The Creeping Facebook Addiction. It gets you before you even realize it. I don't go there anymore but I still get notifications and it amazes me how absolutely everyone posts every few minutes of every single day. They are SO comfortable and so blinded by it all that they even post where they are, where they're going, how long they'll be gone and everything else pertinent for any robber. What's the matter with these FB folks? Do you really think that anyone cares what TV show you're watching or what you're having for lunch and where? Crossing the line has become a 'so what'. Cursing out others' beliefs are commonplace and photos to show every little thing about families are rampant on the world-wide-web, always to be available to anyone and some of those 'anyones' could be up to no good. If you must post these personal photos or information about where you are, etc, then make your page completely private EXCEPT to your own family --- not friends or others you don't even know, just immediate family.  As for the rest, if you want to keep in contact, then call them with your own voice. And if you want to have an open forum on your thoughts, such as this, then start a blog. At least it's a true form or conveying feelings and ideas and not just a place to post a cartoon or yell at your neighbor. A blog; wow, what a novel idea!
                           (I am on such a rant right now and happy to let it all out)

I miss the days of true human contact. NO texts, just pick up the darn phone and call or answer yours. Here's an example from just a few days ago: I PHONED my neighbor to ask how her husband was as he'd been in ICU for 2 weeks. I also was going to ask if she'd like to share my dinner with me so she'd have a break from all the stress. I got her voice mail. I left the message and asked for her to call me back or meet me at our adjoining fence. I got a TEXT. A longgggggggg text. Must have taken her 5 min to type it all. No phone call. She never even acknowledged the dinner invitation. Craziest of all is her ending of the text: "You are such a loving and caring, helpful neighbor. I am so lucky." Ask me if I was overjoyed to see the typing instead of hearing it in person. For God's sake, put down the smartphone, go offline, go outside. We all talk about how great the 'good old days' were, so what's holding anyone back from RE-doing them?  I'll tell you what it is. It's smartphones and FB.  You know it's true, it's just a hard habit to break. Make the move. Carry that phone in the car for emergencies, not to chit chat. Do that in person.  Sit down together, have coffee, have tea, have wine, have anything, just make sure you have each other and not empty typed words.  Do it.

So now you answer the question:  What's more addictive, Opioids or FaceBook?  They sure seem to be running neck and neck. Do you agree?  Then click "Like".



  1. Stopped by to say hello...you are missed, but I do understand your views on how things are now. I am old school..I text rarely, call all the time and do not post on FB much as others do. Hope you are well, blessings to you.

  2. Caroldee! What a wonderful surprise! Honestly, I never thought a soul would even see the post, but even though I was on a rant, I don't think I'll ever feel any differently. I say Stand Up for Old School! Wish you lived closer. Just think how great it would be if all of us that live by the old standards lived in the same neighborhood -- a dream come true!
    As I write this, I have company downstairs and need to get back to them, but I'm going to drop by your blog page before tomorrow becomes a fleeting thought :D Later, my friend, and blessings to you, too; XXXX

  3. Checked in and WHOA! I disagree on some of your thoughts. Facebook is fine for me to communicate new births in the family, first sightings of spring, bad weather happenings in my area. The 19 FRIENDS I have are REAL family and friends. People I know and love. I HATE THE phone! I don't want people calling me. I write silly daily blogs and feel good to be able to express myself and to share my recipes and thoughts. I don't care if anyone ever reads them but they are a therapeutic release for myself. Visiting people personally is done when able and fine. Visits from people are welcome and happen often, thank you. We don't have or use a smart phone. Bah -Humbug. Not addicted to either.

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    3. I understand your feelings and I was not pointing at anyone that uses it for their families or their honest-to-goodness friends. I was talking about the ones that once FB came along, they went totally with that, dropped everything else, racked up hundreds (HUNDREDS!) of friends that they never see, never call, never get together with and haven't seen in decades. The 'friends' in real life got relegated to 'texting', not calling, not seeing, not getting together anymore. Understand, I am NOT pointing at every person on FB, just those that have for whatever reason gotten caught up in the social media craze. Even on my own street, people used to be outside and walking and talking with ALL of the others, and now....shhhhh, it's so quiet because everyone is glued to their phones and FB. As for you, yes, I agree with the family aspect and the real friends aspect and I'd said that in my blog, and so for you, it's a good thing. But G, for most, it's an addiction. (Geez, all I tried to do was correct one tiny thing and had to delete, delete, delete and redo this reply to G.)

  4. Yes the smart phones ARE an addiction and very misused by more users than I can ever imagine. Besides that, is the cost factor. Oh well, Thanks for understanding my position on this.


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