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Honey, I'm Home's Morning Mantra ~~ Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh NO, She's up!"

Sunday, December 17, 2017

To Toodie, in reply……….

Toodie, try what I did: see if logging into the old blog works with your OLD email address, as in prior to gmail.  I log in with my old verizon and that gets me 'in', but I still can't post replies on this page.  I have to end up doing a whole other post just to even say thanks, sheesh.  Anyway, try it with your old email.

As you can see, I had to make an actual post to reply to you.  I swear, I used to love blogger and now….well, I don’t know.


PS/ Just tried and I can't leave a comment on your twiddeldee page, either


  1. Now I've opened my blog thru firefox to see if I can leave a comment, so this is just a test, that's all.

  2. AH HA! It worked! Ok, Toodie, try a whole different browser to get to your blog (such as firefox) and it MIGHT work! I'm going over to your twiddledee page to see if I can post a note to you.
    THAT worked, too!

  3. Hi Jenny! Just a note; the baked apples were SO good. :)

    I don't have a 'reply' function either although I know it's available with gmail but I don't know how to do it. So what's new, eh. I've been blogging many years and can't even make my own header, etc. :)

    Have a beautiful, wonderful day!

    1. As soon as I saw your note, I started laughing! We are all in the same boat! I did find that if I close out all other browsers, open Fire Fox and the do blogs, it all works, tg.

      As for your apples, YUMMMMMM; that means I'll try them sometime over the holidays and will report back!

      You were talking about headers and last night I was trying and trying to remember how to chg my entire page to an Xmas theme and have snow falling and the whole shebang like I used to. Pfft. Makes no sense at all now. I'm afraid to try anything for the thought that it might just drop my entire page off for good. Yeah, I know what you mean. I remember when you used someone to make a blog page for you (the design), and I even thought of doing that, but no, won't even attempt it with the problems that seem to be. OHHHH for WLS, or even the 'old' blogger. I'm cursing under my breath, can you hear me? I can't even find our old group -- I think most have just deleted their blogs. I'm not ready to give up yet, though. I saw a comment on CarolDee's page by someone I don't even know that said they were upset with FB because it just didn't make that connection we all had as bloggers. Darn right. Thing is, if she thought that, and I already thought that, and you thought that, well, can you imagine how many are waking up? Cross your fingers! Let's get a crusade going! BLOGGERS UNITE! I'm yelling at the air, but you know what I mean.
      In the next day or so, I'll do another post. Not sure if I'll fill in the last years because honestly, it wasn't so good, but let's try to round up the old crew, or as many as we can. FB is nothing compared to blogging and we all need to get back to that and laugh and carry on with all our old group. Don't you know I need a soapbox.

  4. Most of my old crew stopped blogging, period. Some are obsessed with FB. And, then some post the same thing on the blog that they posted on FB. I don't get it! I don't post nearly as much as I used to. There are only maybe three that blog, and have for a long time. I appreciate them. LOL

    Take care, sweet lady, and I'll see you later. xoxo

  5. And, I appreciate YOU. So glad you came back.

  6. Hey, I'm still trying to track down the old crew, but like you said, it's hard! I appreciate YOU, too, and we WILL continue, I promise. I think as time goes on, that others will open their eyes to the 'nothingness' that FB is and return (hopefully) to blogging. It's the only way to really connect and I know you think that, too. I may not post every day, but I plan of posting a couple times a week and hope you do, too.
    If I could draw a picture of the USA and then take a cutter and move Ga, SC, and NC a bit to the side and move you, FL, up near me, I'd be really happy. Some imagination, huh.

  7. Boy, I can be hard sometimes. I just reread what I said and "nothingness" was sort of hard. I meant it as in nothing compared to blogging. Cartoons, etc, do not keep people really connected; it only shows they're still alive because they posted. Anyway, hope you know what I meant.

  8. AND what about e mailing too? I mean I almost stopped doing that AT ALL. They are more private true, but take time and I think that is what people dont do any more. They want everything instant. I agree.. will post something about BLOGGING coming back. :-)

    1. You're exactly right, people don't take the time anymore. Haha, ask Toodie about my emails that are closer to little books, but I think it's important to keep up and 'connect'. This instant gratification is for the birds. I think of you so often when I'm pacing the floor and can't sleep and I know you're probably doing the same. Ugly syndrome for sure and my friends say they can't understand how I even function -- bet it's the same for you. But we do function, we just want to have some GOOD sleep in there, too. "My Pillow", eh? I can't wait to hear how it does in a few weeks. Reviews go from one end to the other but I trust what you say, so will be ck'ing on that for sure. Merry Christmas, Caroldee! XOXOXO

  9. Hi Jenny! Seeing your blog pop up made me think about resurrecting mine again. I like Facebook to keep up with old friends and family, but don't like most of the other stuff. I'll be posting now and then and will try to comment on other blogs, but no promises. Merry Christmas old friend!

    1. Cindy! I am grinning ear to ear to see you! Yes, indeed, post, even if it's sporadic; and do you make the pin cushions anymore? I still love mine :D And how about your black lab? His name escapes me at the moment and I'm sorry, but what beauty! Caroldee is onboard as you can see by her post above to 'get this thing going again!' So glad to see you! Merry Christmas, dahlin! xoxoxo

  10. Hey! I haven't heard from you in a long while! Thanks for the complement on my "art."


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